Most of the time a new toner cartridge will come with an adhesive postage sticker you can affix to the old toner box when you are done with it. However, more often than not, these stickers are lost or accidentally thrown away. Luckily, you can usually find the directions for printing your own return label […]
Symptoms When attempting to connect to Pangea, the connection application will spit back an Error 86 (network password incorrect). Solution for Windows 7 Professional To solve this you will need to edit a Local Security Policy and set one of the entries to something other than “Not Defined” as it is on default. First, enter […]
Here are new directions on using the Network Connect SSL application through the Secure Gateway:
Before requesting help from CNSIT, make sure that this jack is indeed inactive. First, the jack must be a RED jack – any other color is either a building relic or a voice line rather than a data line. To test that this RED jack is off, all you need to do is simply plug […]
All software licensing is now handled by RAMtech on campus. While you do have the ability to purchase and license software without the help of CNSIT, it is requested that you do send all licensing requests through CNSIT so that this information can be kept in a central location. You can view what the cost […]
CNSIT is phasing out our CNSWP WordPress instance in favor of newer hosting options. (Existing CNSWP accounts will continue to be supported). Please contact CNSIT with a ticket using the following URL to request advice on current hosting options.
You can add other users to your CNSWP site by using the Dashboard ‘Users’ tool located on the left side of your CNSWP administration page. If the user you will be adding is a CSU affiliate, be sure to use their CSU eID as their username so they can use their CSU password to log […]