What software site licenses are available?

By Ross Madden
Published on March 20, 2012 1:35 pm MT
Updated on July 17, 2024 1:28 pm MT
Posted in Knowledge Base, Software

Special departmental software licensing varies across CNSIT departments.  Please refer to your department when assessing software availability.  The following licenses are available for university owned equipment only, unless otherwise noted.


  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Operating Systems
  • Matlab (See below)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Operating Systems
  • Endnote
  • Matlab (See below)



Available to all CSU faculty, staff, and students (some affiliations such as “Guest Associate” do not qualify under this license). Individual users can download and install MATLAB by visiting the MathWork’s self-service portal, clicking “Get started today” under “Download MATLAB”, and signing in with their NetID. A MathWorks account will be required for activation. When installing the software, choose “Total Academic Headcount” for the license type.

Microsoft Office

As of mid-summer 2014, the university has signed an agreement with Microsoft to utilize Microsoft’s Office 365 Education web-based services.  Please view the following information on how to get Microsoft Office on your personally owned computers and devices: https://cnsit.colostate.edu/kb/office-365-now-available

From DoIT: https://it.colostate.edu/m365-apps-and-csu-software


Survey Software available to all university faculty, staff, and students. To access, visit the following URL and log in with your CSU NetID and NetID password.


Other Software Licenses

Anything not listed here is most likely available from RAMTech on campus and a CSU negotiated educational price.  Their website along with a price list can be found here: https://www.ramtech.colostate.edu

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