Category Archive: Knowledge Base

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By Ross Madden
January 16, 2013 10:33 am MT
Posted in Internet & Networking, Security, Security News

Most of us are aware of this by now, but I received the following, very well written explanation of the problem and steps to take at this point.  As before, when I get these, and feel they should be given a wider audience, I will repost for the CNSIT community. “As everyone is probably painfully […]

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December 18, 2012 4:17 pm MT
Posted in General CNSIT, Knowledge Base, Security, Security News

Rootkit Viruses are stealthy viruses that can cause great damage to your operating system and even to your hardware if they are in the “firmware rootkit” class. Several classes of rootkit viruses exist: persistent, memory-based, user-mode, kernel-mode and firmware driven. Installation of these rootkit viruses are automated and can evade many anti-virus programs. Removal of […]

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By Ross Madden
December 17, 2012 5:21 pm MT
Posted in General CNSIT, Pangea

A New Pangea? That’s right!  CNSIT South has purchased a new server to act as the Pangea head machine.  This new server boasts additional memory, CPU capacity, redundant power supplies, and bonded network adapters.  With any new hardware upgrade, we are also looking at how we can improve the service and simplifying administrative functions. Below […]

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By Ross Madden
November 27, 2012 9:43 am MT
Posted in Apple, General Computing, Tips and Tricks

With the release of Mac OS X Lion, Apple made the decision to hide the user Library folder.  This decision was based on their need to protect the user from accidentally deleting important files needed by various programs as well as the operating system itself.  It became even more necessary for most users with the […]

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By Ross Madden
October 31, 2012 9:37 am MT
Posted in Pangea, Windows

We have just released a new version of the CNSIT Pangea connection App for Windows.  This applies to the Hadron instance of Pangea which means only Biochemistry and Chemistry are affected.  When you next launch the Windows Pangea Connection App, you will see a notice letting you know an update is available.  Please be sure […]

August 11, 2012 1:45 pm MT
Posted in Knowledge Base, Software

Installation Guide for BC401_2012 Notes: You must have Administrator privileges on your computer. Install Firefox 3.6.8 included on the CD in the folder BC401. Yes this is an old version but it works well with Chime. Install MDLChime26SP7 located in the BC401/BC401_2012/Software (PC)/Chime_2.6 Folder. Allow this to install for Internet Explorer. Go to C:\Program Files\Internet […]

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July 23, 2012 3:56 pm MT
Posted in E-mail, General CNSIT, Knowledge Base, Tips and Tricks

Backing up your outlook inbox, local folders and sent folder to a .pst file on a regular basis can serve you well if your computer ever crashes. Making these backups a weekly or monthly routine is a good idea. To backup your Outlook 2010 email, please follow these instructions: 1. Bring up Outlook 2010 2. […]

July 13, 2012 4:35 pm MT
Posted in E-mail, General CNSIT, Knowledge Base, Tips and Tricks

Having problems with your outlook auto-caching email addresses? It is nice to be able to type in the first few letters of an email address and have outlook give you recent cached email addresses to choose from. This is a real time saver! If suddenly your auto cache is no longer working chances are your […]

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By Ross Madden
May 8, 2012 2:13 pm MT
Posted in Apple, General CNSIT, Knowledge Base, Pangea

We have just uploaded some much needed updates to the Pangea connection application for Mac!  Technically, this is just a simple Applescript which instructs the Finder application to do a Connect To Server operation.  The issue we were seeing with the older versions is that users who had passwords that contained certain special characters were […]

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By Ross Madden
April 27, 2012 10:26 am MT
Posted in Biology Yates 212 Computer Lab, Knowledge Base, Pangea

Student Computers The teaching classroom located in Yates 212 is set up like most teaching computer labs, with an auto-login account that exists on the college domain.  To facilitate some type of file sharing solution, we created a special Pangea (What is Pangea?) share which is automatically mapped to each of the student computers.  You […]

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